Week of May 9th

In LA this week you need to finish up the final draft of the character analysis. Final will be due Friday A.M.. Spelling quiz on Friday as well.

In Reading you'll get the next vocab packet on Monday which will be due Tuesday. In CMC you should be around page 80 today (Monday) and on 175 by Friday. The online discussion question will be up later today and is due by Saturday night, 8 P.M.


Tiger Boy said...

dyslexia |disˈleksēə|
a general term for disorders that involve difficulty in learning to read or interpret words, letters, and other symbols, but that do not affect general intelligence

mitch said...

[dis-pley-zhuh, -zhee-uh, -zee-uh] Show IPA
–noun Pathology .
abnormal growth or development of cells, tissue, bone, or an organ.

Jack Tz said...

dystopia (noun; uncountable)
1. A vision of a future that is a corrupted (usually beyond recognition) utopian society
2. State in which the condition of life is extremely bad as from deprivation or oppression or terror

Caroline Gaddi said...

dys·ki·ne·sia noun \ˌdis-kə-ˈnē-zh(ē-)ə, -kī-\
Definition of DYSKINESIA

: impairment of voluntary movements resulting in fragmented or jerky motions (as in Parkinson's disease) — compare

Zack G. said...

dys·pep·sia (ds-ppsh, -s-)
Disturbed digestion; indigestion.

N to the Chen said...

Dyserethism- A condition of slow response to the stimuli.

Nathan D said...

dysesthesia-Noun- any impairment of the senses, especially of the sense of touch.

Laura Sacco said...

Inability to copy writing or printed letters.

Jillian said...

distract- v. to cause confusion

Baylie Bacon said...

dys·to·ni·a (noun)
abnormal tone of any tissue.

Jack Tz said...

¡Hola! I was wondering if we need to be on a certain page on El Count de Monte Cristo by friday. ¿If so, what page? Gracias.

Mr. B said...

Bonjour, vous devriez lire à la page 165 d'ici vendredi.

Jack Tz said...

Pues, yo no sabía que íbamos a hablar un solo lenguaje. Yo estaba hablando spanglish. Había que mostrar sus habilidades.

Mr. B said...

TZ...Spanglish is not a language it is more of a creole. Anyway, lets just stick with plain 'ol American English.