In LA this week you should be editing your free writes. The final drafts of which will be due the Tuesday we get back from vacation. Remember tp eliminate passive vioce as much as possible from this essay.
In Reading we will be getting close to the end of TKAMB by Friday. You should be on page 340 by then. I'll have this week's discussion question up by Tuesday. (Great job on last week's by the way!)
The rest of the book (about 30 pages) should be finished over vacation. As for other work this week, you'll get a vocab sheet on Monday and a Q&A sheet on the later half of TKAMB on Wednesday.
ther-mo-sphere: n. the region of the upper atmosphere in which temperature increases continually with altitude
Adjective: Of, relating to, or produced by the internal heat of the earth
Theocracy : THEO cracy (the ok’ ra see) n.
Government directed by priests or clergy representing God
Theologian-n. a person who thinks about God's impacts in our lives.
tp-to vioce-voice
Isotherm-n. a line on a weather map or chart connecting points having equal temperature.
Thermodynamics- noun
the science concerned with the relations between heat and mechanical energy or work, and the conversion of one into the other: modern thermodynamics deals with the properties of systems for the description of which temperature is a necessary coordinate
Theomania : THEO mania (the o may’ ni a) n.
A condition in which the patient imagines himself to be God
en·do·therm-n a warm bloded animal
It relates to therm by describing the animals blood tempature
Tenant-Law . a person who holds or possesses for a time lands, tenements, or personalty of another, usually for rent.
Hypothermia-. pathol an abnormally low body temperature, as induced in the elderly by exposure to cold weather
/ˈθɜrməˌstæt/ Show Spelled [thur-muh-stat] Show IPA noun, verb, -stat·ted or -stat·ed; -stat·ting or -stat·ing.
a device, including a relay actuated by thermal conduction or convection, that functions to establish and maintain a desired temperature automatically or signals a change in temperature for manual adjustment.
ther·mo·nu·cle·ar adj
(thər-mō-ˈnü-klē-ər, -ˈnyü-, ÷-ˈn(y)ü-kyə-lər)
1: of, relating to, or employing transformations in the nuclei of atoms of low atomic weight (as hydrogen) that require a very high temperature for their inception (as in the hydrogen bomb or in the sun) thermonuclear reaction, thermonuclear weapon
2: of, utilizing, or relating to a thermonuclear bomb, thermonuclear war, a thermonuclear attack
geothermal (adj) - of or pertaining to the internal heat of the earth.
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