Week of March 21st: Start of Term 3

In LA this week you will be starting the pairs debate essay. See sidebar for the assignment sheet. In class we will also be working on modeling concise writing through a series of in class assignments. Weekly spelling/grammar quiz will be Friday. (New bonus should be posted as a comment under this post.)

In Reading you will get the first vocab* list of Term 3 on Monday. The rest of the week will be devoted to the start of our first class novel To Kill a Mockingbird. See sidebar for a spot to get general info and ask questions about the book.

* Just found out the vocab text we use has a companion website that would be a solid study guide. Click here to see it.


Nathan Ding said...

sonorous-adj: rich and full in sound

Jillian said...

Spectator- n. a person who goes to see an event

Jillian said...

Oops,spectator is a spelling word. Spectrum- n. a range of something that can be seen (such as light) (literally or figuratively)

Zack G. said...

Similitude: (si mil’ i tude) n. Resemblance

Alex G said...

Sonic- adj. Of or pertaining to sound.

Mitch E said...

[spek-tuh-kuhl] Show IPA
anything presented to the sight or view, especially something of a striking or impressive kind: The stars make a fine spectacle tonight.
a public show or display, especially on a large scale: The coronation was a lavish spectacle.
spectacles. eyeglasses, especially with pieces passing over or around the ears for holding them in place.
Often, spectacles.
something resembling spectacles in shape or function.
any of various devices suggesting spectacles, as one attached to a semaphore to display lights or different colors by colored glass.

Marc D said...

spec•u•la•tion   /ˌspɛkyəˈleɪʃən/ Show Spelled
[spek-yuh-ley-shuhn] Show IPA

1. the contemplation or consideration of some subject: to engage in speculation on humanity's ultimate destiny.
2. a single instance or process of consideration.
3. a conclusion or opinion reached by such contemplation: These speculations are impossible to verify.
4. conjectural consideration of a matter; conjecture or surmise: a report based on speculation rather than facts.
5. engagement in business transactions involving considerable risk but offering the chance of large gains, especially trading in commodities, stocks, etc., in the hope of profit from changes in the market price.
6. a speculative commercial venture or undertaking

Steve Pal said...

sonic- adj.
1. of or having to do with sound
2. designating or of a speed equal to the speed of sound

Paige Fournier said...


1. to engage in thought or reflection; meditate (often followed by on, upon, or a clause).
2. to indulge in conjectural thought.
3. to engage in any business transaction involving considerable risk or the chance of large gains, especially to buy and sell commodities, stocks, etc., in the expectation of a quick or very large profit.

Nikki B said...


–noun, plural -ries.
a subtle, tricky, superficially plausible, but generally fallacious method of reasoning.

a false argument; sophism.

Alyssa B. said...

[pros-pekt] Show IPA
1.Usually, prospects.
a.an apparent probability of advancement, success, profit, etc.
b.the outlook for the future: good business prospects.
2.anticipation; expectation; a looking forward.
3.something in view as a source of profit.
4.a potential or likely customer, client, etc.
5.a potential or likely candidate.
6. a view, especially of scenery; scene.
7.outlook or view over a region or in a particular direction.
8. a mental view or survey, as of a subject or situation.
9. Mining .
a. an apparent indication of ore or native metal.
b. a place giving such indications.
c.a mine working or excavation undertaken in a search for additional ore.
10. Archaic . sight; range of vision.
–verb (used with object)
11.to search or explore (a region), as for gold.
12. to work (a mine or claim) experimentally in order to test its value.
–verb (used without object)
13. to search or explore a region for gold or the like.
14. in prospect, under consideration; expected; in view: He had no other alternative in prospect.

Evan H. said...

sonobuoy - noun, a buoy that amplifies sounds picked up underwater and transmits it by radio

and, just a question - the name "Sophocles" I believe means "wise man" is this true?

Cobb said...

adj. - Of or pertaining to philosophy

Vickie said...

sonance- noun
1. the condition or quality of being sonant
2. a sound or tune

Gaddi said...

Consonances- Noun
(Plural for consonance)

1. Agreement or compatibility between opinions or actions.
2. The recurrence of similar sounds, esp. consonants, in close proximity.

ChrissssssssssssyF said...

v. t. - To look upon; to view closely and critically, esp. in order to ascertain quality or condition, to detect errors, etc., to examine; to scrutinize; to investigate; as, to inspect conduct. 2
v. t. - To view and examine officially, as troops, arms, goods offered, work done for the public, etc.; to oversee; to superintend. 2
v. t. - Inspection. 2

Taylor F said...


1. greater than the speed of sound waves though air.

Grant F. said...


: of or relating to two or more ranges of frequencies or wavelengths in the electromagnetic spectrum

Jack B said...

Similative : SIMIL ative (sim’ i lay tiv) adj.

Indicating a likeness

Adam K. said...

Spectrum (spek.trum), n. 1. The band of colors produced when sunlight is passed through a prism, comprising red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. 2. a continuous series or sequence.

N to the Chen said...

Resonance-a prolongation of sound that is reflected and reverberation.

Kasey said...

Special (adj)
Relating to some particular quality.

Laura said...

Sophiology- the study of human life