Great Depression Photos #3

Below is a picture of a bread line. Breadlines were long line of people waiting to be fed; in the absence of substantial government relief programs during 1932, free food was distributed with private funds in some urban centers to large numbers of the unemployed.


Zack G. said...

I think that this picture is very sad because the people are all starving, and waiting for food. It is depressing that the sign behind them says, "World's Highest Standard of Living." Clearly it is not a very good standard of living if the people have become so poor that they need to stand and wait in line for bread. At the same time I think that having breadlines is a good solution because otherwise the people would have no food.

ChrisssssssssyF said...

I think this photo is very depressing. People during the Great Depression were so desperate to provide for their families they would go through anything. Then in the background there is the quote "There's no way like the American way"
That quote really contradicts the meaning of the photo.

Dan W said...

I agree with Chrissy, that this photo is a contradiction. The photo also shows how sudden the great depression came, and how quickly needed to change their lifestyle to survive. America was considered the greatest country on Earth, a land of prosperity, but suddenly it became a land of poverty, and people could do nothing about it.

Mike an ike said...

This picture shows how poor people really were in the great depression and how much they did not have.

007 said...

I think the photographer was trying to make a point that maybe not everyone in america had a high standard of living at that time. The poor people in front of the sign is very ironic because the sign is saying how Americans are very wealthy. Also, it seems that most of the people in line are African American's where on the sign it portrays a happy, wealthy white family.

Jack Tz said...

I agree that it is ironic to have the sign in the background with many hungry and poor people in the foreground. Poor people running out of bread reminds me of Marie Antoinette's unsympathetic comments on bread shortage, "Let them eat cake."

Ben E. said...

This picture shows how long these people would wait for food while now, we can't stand to wait at all.

Abbie R. said...

this photo is very sad. it makes me think of how lucky we are to have food, and showers. Also, how sad it is that people were so hungry they would wait in long lines just to eat

Anonymous said...

Well, this picture shows how desperate the government was at the time. They'd use private funds to fund public welfare things... I wonder if the wealthy people donated money, or if they were forced to give money...

Nathan Ding said...

^By Nathan Ding