Peparing for Next Week's Final

Here is the link to the Scottsboro Boys timeline. This is just FYI- it is not on the final.

The first part on the final will take place on Monday and it will cover all the spelling, roots, prefixes, grammar and editing that we have studied this year. Here is where to go to review:

  • For spelling, roots and prefixes you can scroll through the entries in the "Weekly Plans" tab. Everything is listed there by week.
  • For grammar and editing I suggest this site as a review tool.
The second part of the final will be an in class writing assignment. You will be given three periods to construct an essay explaining how the film To Kill a Mockingbird changed one of the themes we discussed in class. Here is a list of the themes. You can bring anything you need for notes on the first day of part two, but after that all materials have to stay in the class. You may not work on the paper out of class or bring in prepared notes on days 2 and 3.

As always if you have questions or want to review I am here before school every day at 7:20.