Week of Sept 22nd

Spelling: list 3-  Roots: arthr, aud, bell, bio Words: arthritis, auditorium, audible, audiologist, audiotape, belligerent, bellicose, biography, autobiography, antibiotic
Grammar: verbs, two week topic-packet due Friday. Friday's quiz is spelling only
Essay: Start capital punishment piece. C.A.R.S. checklist. HW: print out sources
TUES: Source check & take notes
WED: Essay Map and start introductions
THURS: Sleep late, do laundry
FRI: Go over verb packets and share intros 

MON: Vocab list #2
TUES: Mateo Falcone
WED: Group work on story
THURS: Reruns of X-Files and eat ice cream
FRI: Graded discussion on Mateo

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