Came across this article the other day. The author wants to bring back the punishment of flogging. He brings up a lot of the arguments you guys did in your capital punishment essays. Click the link and read the whole thing (its short). I'd love to hear what people think about this option.
Here is a quote:
Princeton Alumni Weekly: Reading Room: Peter Moskos ’94: Corporal punishment, Moskos writes, avoids those problems. Flogging had been a part of the American penal system since the country’s inception and was still practiced on a state-by-state basis until 1972, when Delaware became the last state to outlaw it, he notes. Moskos says that when administered in a controlled environment, as in Singapore, flogging punishes the criminal with much less cost than incarceration. Moskos suggests that, for nonviolent crimes, flogging should be offered to offenders as an alternative to prison: two lashes per year of prison sentence. He argues that since the individuals would not be separated from jobs and their families, they would continue to have opportunities to be productive members of society, deterring future crime in a way that prison does not.
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