HW Due Friday

For LA you need to have the final draft of your Free Write #2 on Friday as well as the rough draft of the research paper. We will have the normal spelling/grammar quiz as well.

Next week will be dedicated to working on any rewrites you need to finish as well as editing and finalizing the research paper.

For Reading you need to fully cut the next scene and be ready to share in class on Friday.


Zack G. said...

Should our research papers have title pages like last time?

Mr. B said...

Yes, show up with a complete package: title page, outline, paper, bibliography

Anonymous said...

If we have the title page, outline, bibliograpy and all the paragraphs except for the intro and conclution is tht okay?

Mr. B. said...

Um....no.....the WHOLE rd is due.

O'Sullivan said...

I have quotes in my free write and they are things people actually said in the situation..can those have linking verbs and adverbs in them?

Mr. B. said...

yup...quotes don't count when it comes to term two edits, just make them accurate.

Bacon said...

How long should the research be. I have around 500 words...is that okay?

Mr. B said...

4 typed pages