Week of March 27th

Spelling and clause notes can be found here.

Below is the overview of our next essay of semester two. 

Essay: Shakespeare persuasive research paper
Length: 600 word minimum
Format: MLA [heading, citations and work cited page] Not following proper format will result in auto D
Topic: Did Shakespeare write his own plays? Argue for or against.
  •  Citable fact in each body paragraph
  •   At least one quote
  •   Word Choice [linking verbs and adverbs] & Sentence Starters
  •   Follow outline provided

I.          Intro
a.      Shakespeare background 2-3 sentence
b.      Intro controversy
c.       Thesis
II.         Body 1
a.      Topic sentence: Argument #1
b.      Explain argument
c.       Support/quote
d.      Explain support
e.      Transition to next argument
III.        Body 2
a.      Topic sentence: Argument #2
b.      Explain argument
c.       Support/quote
d.      Explain support
e.      Transition to next argument
IV.        Body 3
a.      Topic sentence: Argument #3
b.      Explain argument
c.       Support/quote
d.      Explain support
V.         Conclusion
a.      Restate thesis
b.      Revisit overall controversy

c.       Wrap up

Additionally here are a couple places to look for your initial sources.

  1. BBC article
  2. Shakespeare debate at Absolute Shakespeare 
  3. Video we started last Friday.

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